Swertres 3 Luzon Vis-Min Morning 11:00 am: 2-2-8 Afternoon 4:00 pm: 1-5-8 Evening 9:00 pm: 7-8-0 numbers must be in exact order Php: 4,500 per P10 play Draw Date: 12/04/2010
Continue reading SUERTRES 3D LOTTO DECEMBER 4, 2010Two Digit EZ2 Luzon Morning 11am: 05-23 Afternoon 4pm: 05-07 Evening 9pm: 12-06 numbers must be in exact order Php 4,000.00 per P10 play Draw Date: 12/04/2010
Continue reading 2D LOTTO DECEMBER 4, 2010Some people are asking about the claiming of jackpot prize in the main office building in the PCSO. They keep on asking, if is it safe for them to claim the million prize money. PCSO will give you a choice whether you can have your cross check under your name for bank deposit or they will …
Continue reading OPTIONS FOR CLAIMING PCSO LOTTO JACKPOT PRIZEMega 6/45 National Draw 40-27-18-11-36-20 Jackpot Price: Php 6,094,686.60 numbers in any particular order (1)winner Evening Draw Date: 12/03/2010
Continue reading MEGALOTTO 6/45 DECEMBER 03, 2010 RESULTFour 4Digit Luzon & Vismin Evening Draw 9pm: 3-8-1-5 numbers must be in exact order Date: 12/03/2010
Continue reading 4D LOTTO RESULTS DECEMBER 03, 2010Swertres 3 Luzon Vis-Min Morning 11:00 am: 2-1-1 Afternoon 4:00 pm: 7-1-7 Evening 9:00 pm: 3-8-7 numbers must be in exact order Php: 4,500 per P10 play Draw Date: 12/03/2010
Continue reading THREE DIGIT LOTTO DECEMBER 03, 2010Two Digit EZ2 Luzon Morning 11am: 18-18 Afternoon 4pm: 17-13 Evening 9pm: 06-29 numbers must be in exact order Php 4,000.00 per P10 play Draw Date: 12/03/2010
Continue reading 2D LOTTO DECEMBER 03, 2010Some people are always questioning the credibility of PCSO Lotto games. They use to say there are manipulations in the game draws. Even PCSO staff use to say in live every before draw that the system is “computer generated and no human intervention (except the pressing of the remote switch button), with pre-draw procedure witnessed …