PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 3-0-9
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-6-8
Evening 9:00 pm: 3-7-5
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 2/19/2015
PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 3-0-9
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-6-8
Evening 9:00 pm: 3-7-5
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 2/19/2015
963 t/r for midday
good morning everyjuan!
GSL Final Result: 10-2-5
154 214 486 117 271 943 good luck!
good morning big boss share
759 789 768 794 179 790 529 756 598 574 593 793 750 915 928 764
559 995 555 556 665 776 667 779 997
maayong buntag. . share: 469-479-879-797-494-443. . goodluck. . Tx. admin
pahabol 774 447 208
Gud am admin & sitemates , share ko 034 074 032 078 076 ramble.
FEB. 19, 2015 11AM. 4PM. 9PM. DRAW.
SIN-417 104 437 430>>>>>>>HEA-078 634 472 074 301
PRO-419 617 672 017 108 302 305 803 309 507 207 709
goodluck lahat congrats superman
Good morning. Share for 11am draw.
382, 852, 938, 374, 948, 491, 492, 752, 493, 851, 946, 647, 749, 853, 372, 952, 425, 152, 362, 364, 483, 380, 610, 461, 683, 637, 338, 883, 116, 661
Congrats @ kuya nicson
309 11am result..
Congrats kuyanicson and 11am winners ((309)).
congrats sir nicson
congrats kuyanicson target!
unsay nindot pang 4pm draw!
congrats my kuya nic 🙂
Share for 4pm draw.
382, 852, 938, 374, 948, 491, 492, 752, 493, 851, 946, 647, 749, 853, 372, 952, 425, 152, 362, 364, 483, 580, 610, 461, 683, 637, 558, 885, 116, 661
good noon big boss share
732 739 378 375 376 374 371 392 340 364 394 917 715 716……………………….
332 223 337 773 339 993 336 663 771 117
777 111
334 443
congrats sa am winners, try 016 017 012 013 015 ramble
bring 8 now
Congrats bro Superman!!
306 308 392 186 204 125 227 908 306 380 530 260358 149 289 446 022 399 T/R
Congrats sensor and 4pm winners ((868)).
486 889
Share for 9pm draw.
382, 852, 938, 374, 948, 491, 492, 752, 493, 851, 946, 647, 749, 853, 372, 952, 425, 152, 362, 364, 483, 590, 410, 461, 683, 637, 559, 995, 114, 441
hi guyz!! bago lng po aku dito!! pahinge po swertrez numbeR!! tnx
good evening big boss share
620 650 920 420 720 320 621 651 820 624 629 580 628 950 184 840 485 486…………
200 220 221 112 500 550 551 115 880 800 881 118 884 448
638 r/t..
Good Pm All…
share 9pm: 765*760*768*801 gl..
superman bigyana mo naman ako nang number pang birthday
superman hinge naman number para birthday ko.
good evening everyone ..
358 306 308 392 186 204 125 227 908 306 380 530 260 358 149 289 446 022 399 944 244 226 299 T/R
Congrats superman and 9pm winners ((375)).
superman ( I’ll always be here to protect you and make sure nothing happens to you,”) February 19th, 2015 at 1:23 pm
good noon big boss share
732 739 378 375 <
congrtas winners! ((375))