PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 2-3-2
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-8-5
Evening 9:00 pm: 6-9-1
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 1/31/2015
PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 2-3-2
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 8-8-5
Evening 9:00 pm: 6-9-1
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 1/31/2015
JAN. 31, 2015 11AM. 4PM. 9PM. DRAW.
SIN-679 701 841 714 >>>> HE-149 670 916 139
PRO-178 376 507 706 179 018 639 356 746 479 847 413 816 135
Jai Alai result: 195
Today’s guide:
0 2 7 8 pick 1 or 2
good morning share
861 361 863 813 713 860 817 814 807 810 360 310 165 162 312……………………
331 113 300 330 881 118 661 116 600 660 338 883 100 110
Superman hatagi ko number
336 663
good morning admin , kuya superman ug sa tanan s3mate.
share …… 264 612 013 961 325 845 361 326 …..all draws na….g/l
944 .. 777 .. lang akoa kron .. magandang buhay
Good morning. Share for 11am draw.
629, 473, 938, 726, 748, 941, 526, 729, 638, 362, 947, 851, 382, 853, 728, 384, 381, 372, 798, 738, 271, 950, 830, 741, 647, 637, 559, 995, 338, 883
165, 135, 109 r all draws
808, 214, 153, 995, 559, 165, 193, 190
Congrats 11am winners ((232)).
For 4pm…938-908-978-998-988….gudluck again
Share for 4pm draw.
629, 473, 938, 726, 748, 941, 526, 729, 638, 362, 947, 851, 382, 853, 728, 384, 381, 372, 798, 738, 271, 950, 830, 741, 647, 637, 559, 995, 448, 884
331 664 446 432 159 552 978 774
Maganda ang buhay! Share…811,871,717…gl,gb,
Congrats 4pm winners ((885)).
Share 875 , 845,321
477 747 774
Share for 9pm draw.
629, 473, 938, 726, 748, 941, 526, 729, 638, 362, 947, 851, 382, 853, 728, 384, 381, 372, 798, 738, 271, 950, 830, 741, 647, 637, 449, 994, 447, 774
hi gud evening…
186 816 016 100 900
wild guess 586 216 400 200 gl
Congrats kuyanicson, LANZ and 9pm winners ((691)).