PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 0-4-6
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 2-7-9
Evening 9:00 pm: 7-6-7
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 5/13/2018
PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 0-4-6
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 2-7-9
Evening 9:00 pm: 7-6-7
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 5/13/2018
good morning admin all share; 148 128 847 053 071 053 gl
galaw bro 777 prin
All drow
618= 781==God luck
MID-DAY RESULT=046 (MAY 13, 2018)
Thanks sa result rayban..
share; 860 486 821 841 964 683 041 071 463 gl
share; 148 184 196 053 248 gl
hellooo hapi moms day admin and to all!
gratze saidali pairs 46…gratze winners!
guys subong 28&29…share 073 973 856..
gl tnx admin..wild guess…gawas subong
878 877
WILD GUESS; 415=915=975
G/L & G/B 😀
gratze winners 767 double guys…mornyt…tnx admin…