PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 1-1-6
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 4-7-0
Evening 9:00 pm: 2-7-3
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 9/15/2018
PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 1-1-6
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 4-7-0
Evening 9:00 pm: 2-7-3
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 9/15/2018
Onsay result SA Jai…Mga bucng
good morning all share 266 226 115 155 004 044 gl
953 709
helllooo good pm admin guys…guys subung 6&7…wild guess 892 288…ez2 28-8…
gl guys …tnx admin…
173 732 714 719
gratz winners 470…
share; 455 445 054 705 gl
119 825 383 664 GL