PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 3-8-1
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 9-9-7
Evening 9:00 pm: 0-8-1
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 1/16/2015
Previous: EZ2 LOTTO 2D JAN. 16, 2015 RESULTS
PCSO Swertres 3 Lotto Luzon Vis-Min
Morning 11:00 am: 3-8-1
Afternoon 4:00 pm: 9-9-7
Evening 9:00 pm: 0-8-1
winning combination must be in exact order
Php: 4,500 per P10 play
Draws Date: 1/16/2015
Jai Alai result; 2 4 8
Today’s guide: 1 2 4 6 pick 1 or 2
Ja result 2-4-8
Share 681@611 s/r.
Good morningEVERYONE!!!
552 617 986 440 272 665 252 444 889 112 328 323 346 564 716 359 777 T/R
good morning share (GUIDE ONLY)
948 648 038 932 280 537 134 136 135 317 037 036 039 034 032 035 031 389 386 369 382 312………….
300 330 338 883334 443 448 884 885 558 883 338 800 880
259 312 475
good day everyone!missing: 2467″64″
yes nakita ko c pope francis nang malapitan nakasakay sa convoy nya,i feel so bless,we love you pope francis….yehey…
Good morning!!! Share 678 all draw
Congrats winners..381 11am result
good noon share
437 432 435 892 897 865 895 732 475 412 443 334 458 442 224 438
godd noon share all draws
342 512 516 070 470 186 116
526 729
421 158 153 386 205 401 203 143 112 444 889 818 560 552 617 986 440 272 665 252 T/R
Good afternoon. Share for 4pm draw.
261, 423, 952, 726, 748, 751, 362, 624, 947, 692, 352, 741, 641, 941, 521, 524, 752, 364, 293, 492, 374, 740, 905, 526, 647, 637, 447, 774, 229, 992
Congrats 4pm winners ((997)).
9pm draw.320 530 704 307 890 580 789
Grats 997 winners..
Share for 9pm draw.
261, 423, 952, 726, 748, 751, 362, 624, 947, 692, 352, 741, 641, 941, 521, 524, 752, 364, 293, 492, 374, 840, 206, 526, 647, 637, 448, 884, 226, 662
good evening po share
917 175 905 907 095 605 705 901 900 990 713 531 500 550 700 770
067 064 401 690 061 300 330 600 660 530
097 203 386 776 143 421 158 153 386 205 401 203 143 112 444 889 818 560 552 617 986 440 272 665 252 T/R
Congrats 9pm winners ((081)).
Grats 081 winners..syang sold out rambol